Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cabantui- A Tartar Holiday

Today, the we were invited to teach some kids how to play baseball at this school. It was a Tartar holiday called Cabantui, which is sort of a field day. It celebrates health and all that. Before the children began playing sports, there was a presentation, which included the Mayor of Ivanovo and some other important people. These are a few of the many pics I took during the presentation:

these girls are in a traditional dress. they are sharing a traditional food with the audience that included a bread and what looked me like a Kix/Lucky charms/ marshmallow treat (which I KNOW that it wasn't... I didn't get any of it, so I don't know!).

these girls are performing a tradional dance... i LOVED this part!

the guys and the girls doing the dance...

these little girls were definitely little performers! there voices were AMAZING for their ages! they were harmonizing and everything!

I enjoyed attending this event... I love these little tradional things! :)
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Those little flowers are "Johnny Jump-Ups" and we have a TON of those this year. YOU mowed the yard????? Don't forget you did that, sweetie....we want you to bring some things you learned back with you :) !!! I'm so proud of you and love you so much.....miss YOU! Smooches and Hugs!!! Yo Momma