Saturday, May 17, 2008

Springtime in the Country... Russian Style!

Our team decided to take a one-day mini-retreat to the dacha! Though it was a little chilly, the day COULD NOT have been more beautiful!

the dacha... i just noticed that place where there used to be a door... interesting...

the yard behind the backyard fence... all those dandilions that you see are no longer there... i mowed them down ;)

the pond... there are so many cat-tails in it... how serene is this! kind of reminds me of home...

jill said these were some kind of flowers... some kind of pansies... so cute! i think i mowed them down, too... oops! ;)

After living in the city for a year, constantly hearing cars outside my window and never seeing the stars at night, I have come to appreciate the sereness, the beauty, and the nature of the countryside... until it's HOT anyway ;)
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